
Introductory matinee
«Girl with a Pearl Earring»

On 3 April, the opera Girl with a Pearl Earring by the Swiss composer Stefan Wirth will have its world premiere. The work is based on the bestseller of the same name by Tracy Chevalier and deals with a fictional story about the Dutch painter Jan Vermeer. In the introductory matinee two weeks before the premiere, the composer will be in conversation with those involved in the production and will provide information about his score.

We offer introductory matinees to accompany every new production: in conversation with our dramatic advisers, conductors, directors, set and costume designers explain their view of the works in question. On a Sunday morning a week or two before the première, you will thus gain direct insights into the peculiarities of the production.

CHF 10 incl. coffee and croissant

Past performances

May 2020




Introductory matinee «Girl with a Pearl Earring»

Cancelled, Bernhard Theater