
Introductory Matinee «Clara»

Rehearsals for Cathy Marston's new ballet Clara have been in full swing since mid-August. Clara Schumann, one of the great musicians of the 19th century and an astonishingly modern woman, takes centre stage. With Ballett Zürich, Cathy Marston traces Clara Schumann's life, rich in highs and lows, which she devoted entirely to music as an artist, wife, mother, manager and muse. In the matinee, dramaturge Michael Küster talks to Cathy Marston and other protagonists of the production. One of the guests is the German pianist Ragna Schirmer, who has long been a passionate ambassador for Clara Schumann.

We offer introductory matinees for each of our new productions: Join us as dramaturges meet conductors, stage directors, choreographers and set and costume designers in conversation to offer their own perspectives on each work. On Sunday mornings a week or two before each premiere, you’ll have the best seat in the house as you learn about what makes each production unique.

Sun, 06. Oct 2024, 11.15, CHF 15
Bernhard Theater